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Go To Market

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Venture Capital


Jeff Booth
General Partner at ego death capital Jeff Booth Read more

“We’ve been really impressed by Julian and the Relai team and their ability to deliver long term value to users.  We believe they will be a key player for European Bitcoin adoption and are excited to work with them.”

We Are Backed
By The Best

Relai has managed to secure the backing of some of the most influential investors in the Bitcoin space.

Lars Diener-Kimmich
Co-Founder & First Investor Lars Diener-Kimmich On linkedin

“I have hardly ever seen a founder team like Julian and Adem, who set priorities so courageously and move forward so quickly! What I’ve learned from them: Minimalism gives focus. Focus gives Prios. Prios give speed. Speed wins!”

Giacomo Zucco
Co-Founder & Investor Giacomo Zucco On Linkedin
Nick Haller
Co-Founder & Investor Nick Haller On Linkedin
Investor Brad Mills On LinkedIn
Alexis Roussel
Investor Alexis Roussel On Linkedin
Oliver Durrer
Investor Oliver Durrer On Linkedin
Jens Leinert
Investor Jens Leinert On Linkedin
Investor Bernd Lapp ON LINKEDIN
Investor Danny Sanders ON LINKEDIN

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